
they run into a mysterious block. They feel "silly", "awkward" and what-not. Admittedly, it is not easy. It takes a lot of time...constant practice...and I imagine it should best be done under the supervision of a good voice teacher.... And before I hear some catty remarks about Susanna's voice not being so hot as she thinks, let me hasten to say that I'm not claiming to have achieved this dream...I know, though, that I should try harder...and I've promised myself that I will. Just think for a moment that your looks and poise may be 50% of the personality you project, but the other 50% is pretty much wrapped up in what you say to other people. You may be even frankly ugly as a girl, but if you had the right voice just think of the personality impact you could make!

You know how voices carry in the country. This is an observation I've made after many week-ends at Casa Susanna. There we are, walking on the lawn... a car may go by and the occupants usually see a group of women moving about. But if the TV's should be talking among themselves...or (heaven forbid) should one call another TV in a loud voice... there

goes the illusion! I'm surprised there haven't been any automobile accidents in front of the place. Or we may be sitting at the breakfast table... we are all chattering...suddenly a stranger knocks on the window of our kitchen... he may just be asking for directions...but what he heard just before he knocked was a roomful of guys...not one feminine voice in the entire room...and try to tell him that "many women have deep voices so, why should he be surprised to run into a roomful of deep voiced women!". But even before any of us gets the idea of doing some- thing about the matter of voice production, here goes one bit of practical advice which is within the reach of every TV: don't project when you talk...cut down the horsepower! At least your voice won't carry too far, thus reducing the chances of being heard by others. I know many of you will object to my view- point, and say that I'm overdoing it. As a matter of fact a couple of friends have already said so.